Planned Giving

Your Legacy

The future of our mission and programs will be built on today’s planned and deferred gifts. Together with our most loyal friends, we will be able to ensure that the racial and ethnic diversity of our communities has a place in classical music for many generations to come. Thank you for serving as an ambassador to our program and students!

If you are planning to include Project STEP in your estate plans, we hope you will let us know. Providing us with notice of your intention is the best way to ensure that your gift is used just as you wish. We can provide valuable information about a variety of options that we encourage you to discuss with your professional advisor.

For all legal purposes, please refer to our organization as:

Project STEP
301 Massachusetts Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
Tax Identification Number: 22-2505816

You can also print our suggested language and planned giving pledge form for naming Project STEP in your will and bring it to your meeting with your attorney. Click here for more information.

If you have already or plan to include Project STEP in your estate plans, or would like more information about planned giving, please let us know so we can welcome you as a honored member of this legacy program. Contact Jodie McMenamin, Manager of Donor Engagement at or by calling 617-267-5777.


Founding Members

Eleanor L. Campbell Trust
Melinda K. Cheston
Jane and Michael Grossman
Dianne Luby
Meghan K. Jasani and Adam Margolin
Paul and Jodie McMenamin
Elisa Pepe

Founding members are those individuals whose gift intentions are received prior to June 30, 2022